Three Fun Tech Things to Do Before Break – Practical Ed Tech

Three Fun Tech Things to Do Before Break – Practical Ed Tech

Greetings from Maine where I’m writing this with the help of a generator. No, not an AI-powered writing generator. The power is out and I’m running a “portable” electric generator.

On the topic of generators, AI-content generators can be fun to play with. For example, you may have noticed the Funko figure trend circulating on social media right now. That’s a little AI-character generator powered by Microsoft Designer. The process of creating the character is a lot like completing a Mad Libs story. Making a Funko figure is one of a few fun tech things to do before the winter (summer for some readers) holiday break.

Another fun tech thing to do before break is to make animations based audio you record. This can be done quickly and easily with Adobe’s Animate from Audio tool. Watch this short video to see how it works.

For something fun that will make you look really “techy” in front of most students, teach them how to run a traceroute. This lets them see where their internet activity is routed. Learning how to run a traceroute takes just a couple of minutes. If you’re a Windows user, watch this video to learn how to run a traceroute. If you’re a Mac user, watch this video to learn how to run a traceroute.

Here are some other tutorial videos you may find helpful this week:

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